Supporting students with ADHD
High School is a challenging time for kids with ADHD and their parents. The High School Student Program is designed to provide specialised ADHD coaching for students from year 10 to year 12. This term based program provides structure for the students to ensure that they are creating plans and strategising how to get their school work done.
How it works
We commence with getting students and their parents being on the same page about ADHD and executive functions and how accountability can be created.
Ongoing it will provide regular structure for the students to ensure that they are creating plans and strategising how to get their school work done, knowing there is ADHD in the background. It is about creating the right environment for school success. It is not Academic Coaching or tutoring, but can provide the structure and space, and awareness to “Get Stuff Done”
The program runs from week 3 to week 9 of each term.
Eight sessions plus pre- recorded information for both Students and their significant others
Program Components
Students and their parents $375.00
Limit of 10 places (student)
School Terms
7 live sessions via ZOOM
skills and background information to support the student and their parents
an online repository to store session videos, worksheets, and skills information as well as session times and direct messaging to your coach
We will focus on:
Getting on top of time – calendars, deadlines and when to work
Managing attention – and distractions!
Communication – Keeping parents and teachers in the loop
Balance – creating a rhythm to school and home
Succeeding – Recognising strengths and performance wins – to use them again and again
Contact us
next session countdown
Time until TERM 1 2023 Program