Uni/College ADHD Program
Uni & College students with ADHD
face new challenges making learning, exams & assignments difficult.
Learn how to organise study and assignments
Create systems helping Uni work with ADHD
Stay on top of schedules and deadlines
Providing a semester of support with:
Regular Check ins, Information & Support
Online live group coaching sessions (30 optional sessions)
Regular e-triggers text prompts
Twice weekly online Productivity Group
Optional online peer discussion
Full Access from sign up
On-demand video & text of sessions & information
Interim support with text, email & phone access
Join Jonathan to take control of this semester
understanding how what ADHD is and how it impacts study
Create Reliable Learning Systems
being there, managing time, sleep, diet & exercise, & stress
Get assignments and group work done
dealing with procrastination, deadlines, & results targets
staying engaged and motivated, working to a plan
Keeping yourself healthy and having fun!
you can succeed at uni while working part time and spending time with friends
Preparing and succeeding in exams
using accommodations and planning exams for success
$495 / semester
(approx. 15 weeks)
Students can commence at any time however as all video and text content is available from commencement, will still only maintain access until the end of that semester period regardless of number of weeks since joining.
Feb 17 – May 29
*All fees, content and access to materials are based on a semester.
Register HereSEMESTER 2
July 28 – Nov 6
*All fees, content and access to materials are based on a semester.
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